WaiverFile's Date Attending Feature

WaiverFile includes a feature that helps organize customers who are signing in advance of their arrival. Since WaiverFile lets customers sign from any device, including their home computer, tablet, or smartphone, customers will often sign days or weeks before visiting your location. 

For locations that handle large volumes of customers, managing signed waivers can quickly become cumbersome. 

How can I keep track of so many waivers coming in? 

The date attending field helps solve this issue. Rather than seeing all the waivers as they are being signed, you can choose to include a date field asking customers when they will be attending your facility. On the dashboard, the signed in advance section will only show names of those people scheduled to attend on that day. 

What if someone comes in on a different day? 

That’s OK too. You can easily search for that person’s name using the quick search and easily find their waiver to confirm their entry. 

What about people signing on-site? 

When people sign at your location, you’ll want to configure your ipads or other devices to use the “device” address. This separate address can be set up to exclude the date attending field. When these waivers are collected, they will appear under the general admission heading instead. 

This means that the people who are signing right now show up in the general admission screen, and those who signed in advance appear under that heading. It’s all broken down and easy to see, all in one screen. 

Who should use the date-attending feature?

We find that higher volume locations that do not exclusively focus on events make the best use of the signed in advance feature. Locations with lower volume sometimes prefer to put all the waivers under the main general admission heading. WaiverFile is easily configured to run either way, so you can adjust it to meet your needs and even change it later if you need. 

A note about events

If you are using the events feature, you’ll instead have people sign for that event. These waivers will show up organized under the heading of that particular event. 
These few simple features wind up being a powerful tool to help you organize your customers as they sign their waivers and check into your locations. 

How to turn on the date-attending field

To enable this feature, follow these steps:
  1. In the site admin, go to Settings >> Site Settings
  2. Scroll down to the Public and Device version sections. Check the ‘Include Date Attending Field’ box in one or both of those sections. This will enable the date field on either the device or public versions of your account. 
  3. Now go to Settings >> Dashboard Layout
  4. Go down to the Signed in Advance section and ensure that it is positioned in one of the boxes that you have on your dashboard. Choose another dashboard layout if you need another space to put a box. 
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