Get Started With a free Water-sports Waiver Form Template

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Watersports Waivers

Possibly leading to potential lawsuits from injuries, an array of risks are faced by water activities/watersports businesses. That's why having liability forms is so crucial to such establishments. In the past, once their clients arrived, businesses could just have them sign a waiver form. These days, however, it's nearly impossible to get physical signatures thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and related variants. However, with WaiverFile's digital waiver forms, you can still protect yourself and your business. It doesn't matter if you are a small startup or a giant company, our services can greatly benefit you.

At WaiverFile, we provide secure and simple ways for our clients to manage their online liability waivers. By ensuring the waiver sign-up process is secure, paperless, and fast, we empower your business. What makes our service so special? From your tablet, computer, or smartphone, you can quickly and easily access it.

Benefits of Using Watersports Waiver Forms

When you use our digital waiver software, some of the features you can enjoy are as follows:

  • You will be able to sync the emails and names you collect using a number of other services such as MailChimp, Signpost, and more.
  • You'll be able to make sure that everyone signs the required forms before the beginning of any event. Additionally, according to the watersport or activity they have signed up for, you can now group people conveniently. For anyone who has not signed the forms, it's easier to track them using our digital software technology.
  • Before any event begins, you can have your clients fill out a form with open-ended questions, multiple-choice questions, and other customizable questions/requirements. At the entrance of your event or establishment, have a tablet or computer handy so if any question was not answered by a client, it can be filled in. Then they can check in, and the fun can begin.


People on a Jet Ski

Why Switch to Online Watersports Waivers?

Frequently, customer-signed liability waivers are required for the following water activities:

  • Canoeing
  • White water rafting
  • Parasailing
  • Paddleboarding
  • Scuba diving
  • Kayaking
  • Sailing
  • Swimming
  • Wakeboarding
  • Bodyboarding
  • Skimboarding
  • Surfing
  • Waterskiing
  • Jet skiing

With our forms, you can cover them all, and then some. Save time and money by switching from paper systems to one that is entirely digitally based. It's easier for you, easier for your customers, more secure, and stress-free.

How Can Your Watersports Business Implement Electronic Waivers?

Getting started with online waiver forms is easy. Just complete the form below and our free template waiver will be installed automatically in a new account. Change the wording of your form as needed and add any additional questions. Share the link with customers and you will be collecting signatures, information, etc. from your clientele using smartphones, tablets, emails, website widgets, and more.


If you have any questions about using online watersports waivers, feel free to contact us today.

View Sample Waiver

See what it looks like to complete this waiver online. 

Sample Waiver Screenshot

Microsoft Word Version

Using online waiver forms is the fastest and easiest way to collect, but if you'd still like a Word version you can download it below.