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Beauty Salon and Spa Waiver

Sweeping across the United States (and other areas of the world), COVID-19 has made it more important than ever for beauty salon businesses and spas to be protected against lawsuits. Why is this? If, due to a visit to a beauty establishment or spa, a customer claims or feels they contracted the coronavirus, they may decide to sue that business in court. By having waiver forms signed by their customers, however, these business operators can better protect themselves. It makes a lot of sense to use electronic waiver forms for beauty establishments and spas. They allow businesses to offer seamless service to their customers while still staying safe.

Benefits of Using Beauty Salon and Spa Waiver Forms

When you use our spa and beauty digital waiver software, the following are some of the features that can be expected:

  • Set up is easy – It's an absolute breeze to get your electronic waiver form system up and running.Just copy and paste your agreement text or start with one of our free templates and customize it to meet your needs. Then setup any custom questions you need to collect the data that you require.
  • Marketing made easy – With your chosen marketing application (think MailChimp), our system seamlessly connects. Why is that important?You can easily build a marketing list without having to do any data entry.
  • Our dashboard is user-friendly – it's easy to quickly find the names of customers as they arrive and confirm that they have a signed waiver on file. Organized by events or by date attending, the check-in process is fast and easy to use.  


People in a beauty salon

Why Switch to Online Beauty Salon and Spa Waivers?

The use of electronic waiver forms should be considered by all businesses today. To protect themselves against lawsuit problems that may arise, they are invaluable, but they are also safe to use.

Specifically, a variety of chemicals and various substances are used in spas and beauty salons which could cause some customers to have allergic reactions. If they have any allergies, customers are supposed to disclose this type of information to a business. However, you have no legal proof that a condition was or was not disclosed by your client if you don't have signed documents to confirm such. This means, should a lawsuit arise, you could be exposed to the risk of financial loss.

How Can Your Beauty Salon and Spa Business Implement Electronic Waivers?

There's no reason to let a lawsuit devastate you financially when it's so easy to protect yourself with one of our electronic waivers. All you have to do is open an account with WaiverFile., Look through the beauty salon and spa waivers to see which one best fits your needs. After downloading it, you will be able to use it to gather customer information, signatures, and more using smartphones, tablets, websites, email, etc.

If you have any questions about using online beauty salon and spa waivers, feel free to contact us today.

View Sample Waiver

See what it looks like to complete this waiver online. 

Sample Waiver Screenshot

Microsoft Word Version

Using online waiver forms is the fastest and easiest way to collect, but if you'd still like a Word version you can download it below.