Sports Waiver Forms
When it comes to sports leagues and tournaments, protecting yourself from lawsuits is a wise move. Sports organizations, sports doctors, and agencies – to help protect them against potential liability – make use of waivers. This goes for any and all sporting activity including, but not limited to, wrestling, lacrosse, football, soccer, basketball, softball, swimming, baseball, and more. Physical activity and contact are generally involved in most sports, opening up the risk of injury (or worse) to players. Participants, clients, players, etc., may still get injured, despite all your best efforts.
To shield their company from lawsuits, electronic waiver forms should be considered by anyone running a business that is sports-based. We have developed an advanced a system for online waivers here at WaiverFile. Our process is convenient and easy for you, your employees, and your players, coaches and parents.
Benefits of Using Sports Waiver Forms
By having participants sign a waiver, you can reduce your legal responsibility as a sports industry business. The following features can be enjoyed when you use digital/electronic waiver signing:
- Data management that is seamless – Different kinds of waiver forms can be stored/processed separately thanks to our electronic waiver form system. That makes the management of data a breeze!
- Communication is eased – With applications such as MailChimp, the electronic waiver form system from WaiverFile can be fully integrated. That means significantly easier communication and marketing tasks.
- Set up is easy – It is both seamless and easy to get your system set up. You get to add the precise fields and text boxes you need, because the system is customizable.
Special Features for Tournaments
WaiverFile has special features to manage sports tournaments. You can invite coaches to manage waivers for their own teams and organize players and teams in a number of ways, making it easy to quickly ensure that all players have a signed waiver before the event.
Article & Video: How-to Setup a Sports Tournament in WaiverFile

Why Switch to Online Sports Waivers?
Should they be injured on the field, you risk facing lawsuits from your customers when you run a sports-based company. Help protect your interests by having an online waiver form. Waiver forms can even be used if you're operating a stadium to keep you safe from any legal action by fans who might, during a particular sporting event, get hurt or injured. Waiver forms that are electronically handled can also help ensure that any athletes or players you may be managing conduct themselves appropriately. If they don't live up to the agreed standards, waiver forms allow you the power to hold them accountable.
How Can Your Sports Business Implement Electronic Waivers?
All of this sounds great, but how do you get it started? It's easy. Sign up with WaiverFile for an account. Peruse through and then choose the appropriate waiver template that best suits your needs. To gather information from your customers, you can use the following methods:
- IOS smartphone or tablet signing
- Android smartphone or tablet signing
- Share the online sign link for signing via email
- Set up a digital waiver opportunity at your entrance
- Sign from a website widget
If you have any questions about using online sports waivers, feel free to contact us today.