Activities, games, and projects are most fun when everyone plays by the same rules. A code of conduct helps you ensure just that. But what is a code of conduct, exactly, and why should you use one? Let’s take a closer look.
What is a code of conduct?
A code of conduct (CoC) is a set of guidelines that ensures everyone involved in a particular activity or organization is safe and treated with respect.
You may have heard of a code of conduct in the business sense – they’re often used to outline rules that employers have for their staff. However, a code of conduct can also describe a set of expectations that organizations or businesses have for guests and participants.
Most codes of conduct cover basic details like expected behaviors and communication guidelines. Despite their fine print, all CoCs share one goal: to create a safe and positive environment for all involved. Having a CoC boosts your business’ professionalism, too.
You can include a code of conduct within existing waivers you already have your guests sign. You can also create a separate document that provides more details about your expectations.
Why is a code of conduct important?
CoCs ensure that everyone is on the same page about how to behave and treat each other to create a safe, fun environment. They can also prevent harassment, injuries, and other unwanted consequences.
A code of conduct creates a system that defines what behavior is unacceptable and gives people who need to report that behavior a route to do so. As a result, CoCs help protect all parties involved from any potential harm.
Overall, a code of conduct matters for a few key reasons:
- It outlines rules in detail, ensuring everyone is on the same page about what’s expected of them.
- It promotes safety for guests and staff alike.
- CoCs make it easy to educate customers and help keep the day of events stress-free.
Code of Conduct Examples
The contents of a code of conduct will vary significantly based on the context. A code of conduct for guests attending a paintball tournament, for example, might look something like this:
“All players must wear protective gear, including masks, at all times. Removing protective gear during play will result in immediate disqualification.”
Meanwhile, guests at an adventure park might see something like this on a CoC:
“Guests are required to follow all posted safety instructions and the guidance of park staff at all times. Failure to do so may result in removal from the park without a refund.”
Code of Conduct vs. Terms of Service: What’s the Difference?
While they are similar in nature, codes of conduct and terms of service (ToS) are not the same things. A ToS is a document that outlines the terms and conditions under which a person agrees to use a certain service.
The details of those terms and services might include things like refund policies, how the service is allowed to be used, and consequences for violations.
Key Contents of a Code of Conduct
Since a code of conduct’s goal is to create a set of expectations and responsibilities, it should be thorough. Some of the things you might want to consider when creating a CoC include:
- What does appropriate behavior look like? What about inappropriate behavior?
- What are your organization’s values, and how do you expect guests to uphold them?
- Which actions are guests responsible for, and which are they not?
- What are the repercussions for failing to comply with the code of conduct?
- What are your expectations for communications with guests?
Does my business need a code of conduct?
If your business regularly interacts with guests or uses waivers of liability, you likely could benefit from a code of conduct. You can also use a CoC as a standard part of the workplace to hold your teams accountable and ensure everyone is held to the same expectations.
There are essentially no downsides to having a set of standards like a code of conduct for businesses. It protects you, your guests, and your business.
Your code of conduct doesn’t have to be complicated or have elaborate policies. All it needs to do is communicate the most important information effectively so that you and your guests can focus on enjoying yourselves!
Benefits of Using a Digital Code of Conduct
As you create and use codes of conduct, you’ll likely find that keeping up with all the paperwork can get overwhelming. Digital codes of conduct make it simple to make changes and updates. They also take the hassle out of storing and sharing files so you can access them at any time.
With digital CoCs, you can embed your document right into your website or another online platform to help guests save even more time. Access your documents on the go, print them out, or keep them handy on a computer to allow more people to sign your CoC.
Another perk of digital codes of conduct is how easy it is to customize them. With a tool like WaiverFile, you can place your CoC terms directly within a digital waiver.
Pro Tip: Want your code of conduct terms to stand out and grab guests’ attention? Try bolding your terms, using a bulleted list, or placing initialing boxes within its contents to ensure that those signing review each item or certain sections. This is a great way to naturally encourage guests to pay close attention to high-priority items on your document.
Simplify CoC & Waiver Signing with WaiverFile
With WaiverFile, you can create, edit, share, and send any digital code of conduct at any time.
Include your code of conduct as part of an existing waiver, or create an entirely new document. No matter what, you can easily collect signatures and control access to files across your entire team.
Get started today to save time and money while simultaneously improving safety and guest experiences. Reach out to us today or book a demo to see our entire platform in action.