We’re excited to announce the release of several new features that we’ve had in the works for some time now. We’ve received lots of great feedback from customers about the types of features they would like to see. Below is an overview of what we have released. Thanks to all our customers who have provided us with such detailed feedback!
Check-in Improvements
WaiverFile now offers a much more robust event management feature-set. You can add and remove names from events, as well as search for participants that have signed in the past, and add check them in again without the need to re-sign. This also helps greatly if someone signs under the wrong event, or just wants to move to another time-slot. Additionally, when you view a waiver you’ll see a list of check-in history for the participants in that waiver.

Recurring Events
Many of our customers have daily time-slots or repeating events. Creating new events regularly can be time consuming, so we’ve created a recurring events feature. To set up recurring events, just check the box when you create your event and choose how often and at what time it should repeat, and WaiverFile will set up all the copies automatically.
Having the ability to check in guests upon arrival has been very useful for a lot of our customers, but some have asked about adding additional boxes to track other items, such as if the customer has paid. To support this scenario, we’ve added custom flags. You can create as many colored flags as you like, and name them however you see fit. Each name in the dashboard will then display this flag and it can be toggled on and off the same as the check-in box.
Smart Expiration
We already have an expiration feature that lets you specify how many days old a waiver can be before deeming it expired. If you search for a name, it will show up in red as expired if it is too old, indicating the customer must sign a new form. We have further enhanced this to include expiration by participant age. If you collect the participant’s birthdate, and specify a maximum participant age, the search will also mark waivers in red when the participant is old enough to sign their own waiver. For example, if a parent signs for their child when they are 17, but then returns again after they have turned 18, your legal requirements may be that this person needs to sign their own waiver. If you search for their name to check them in, you’ll see them marked in red with a warning that they should sign their own waiver.
We hope that you find these features helpful! It’s thanks to our customers’ feedback that we are able to continue to design and build new tools like these. Please feel free to contact us with your own ideas and feedback and we’ll work to include as many as we can!