We are excited to announce some new features in WaiverFile that have been released this week! After receiving lots of customer feedback, we have redesigned the dashboard to be easier to use and easier to find out who has signed their waiver. The design handles larger groups much better and also offers new sorting and grouping features.
Sorting: You can now sort each list by date signed or name. On the general admission section, you can also choose how you want to view names; either just names from today, this week, or see the top 100, 500 or 1000 waivers. This flexibility will help you easily see the data the way it makes most sense to you!
Grouping: In addition to sorting, you can also view waivers grouped by name. For example, if a family of 4 signs a single waiver, the names of all participants are displayed. If the 'Grouped' box is checked, you will see these 4 names grouped together, even when the list is sorted.
Signed in Advance: A new section has been added to the dashboard called 'Signed in Advance'. You can now allow customers who sign their waiver online beforehand specify the date that they are attending. When waivers are entered this way, names will appear in this section so they are easier to find.
Event Invitations: Often times we have had customers who want to share the list of names of waiver signees with event coordinators who are not administrators of the WaiverFile site. We have created a new option so you can enter the email addresses of anyone who should have access to see this information. Each person will receive an email that will let them log in and view a list of who has signed the waiver. This will make it much easier for large groups to keep organized and make sure everyone has completed their waiver.
To see the new features, just log into your WaiverFile admin.
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